Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fresh Beat Band

Leah loves the Fresh Beat Band.  For awhile it was the only show she would want to watch and our DVR was full of episodes.  She has since expanded her list of favorite shows, but "kiki" is still one of her favorites.  I saw that they were going to be in Dayton for a concert, so I purchased a pair of tickets to surprise Leah.  It was right at the end of her second week of school - so it was kind of like a back-to-school treat.

I never get a babysitter to watch the kids, but I had to for this.  Pat had Friday night football and we were heading north for the Labor Day weekend, so it didn't make sense for any of the grandparents to come down.  Thank goodness for Julie - she is the sister of one of Pat's friends who also happens to clean Leah and Max's teeth.  She was more than happy to help us out!

Leah didn't have a clue as to where we were going.  She is usually pretty good at figuring out where we ever go but since she had never been to the Fraze Pavilion, she was stumped.  We first at dinner at McDonalds - her choice, which surprised me.  She was so excited once we got to the Fraze and she saw what I was up to.  Of course she wanted a t-shirt, and she said we had to get one for Max, too.  Always so thoughtful.  Leah wanted to get one for Noah as well, but I told her that he was too little.

We both had a great time and hope to take her again sometime - I think Max would have liked it too!

Counting Down

9 seconds!

Leah's reaction: It was too loud!

Shout came into the audience

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