Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snow Day Fun #2

So we have already had a second snow day - two in one week! We decided to have more of an indoor day since it was snowing all morning. I was even able to make an appointment for a haircut, Max already had an appointment scheduled for his flu shot, and then Pat decided to get a haircut, too, so staying inside made the most sense, at least for the morning.
I wanted to do something with Leah to get ready for Christmas, but I did not want to make a big mess. So I decided on making Pretzel Treats - yummy! All you need is a small pretzel, a Hershey kiss and a holiday M&M. Leah did an awesome job of unwrapping the kisses and placing them on the pretzels - she didn't even try to eat one while on the job! Once she did decide to sneak a little snack - she was fired! I also made some chocolate-dipped jellies. Max had a great time hanging out in the kitchen!
After our afternoon appointments, Pat was outside shoveling and filling the bird feeders. Leah really wanted to go out - so I bundled her up and she headed out to help fill the feeders. She had a blast! Another perfect Snow Day!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow Day Fun

The first 'storm' of the season has arrived in Cincinnati. I always have to laugh when snowfall is predicted - the entire city panics and practically shuts down. Last night Pat and I both received calls that we would have a two-hour delay this morning. I am all for a delay - get to sleep in a little and still go to work. Especially this time of year where we only have seven days left until winter break - I have everything planned perfectly. But we received a second phone call this morning - canceled. I will admit it is nice to have the day off, but we only have three freebie days this year, and I just was not ready to use one so soon - and now I have to rework the next six days.

But being home on a snowy day has been fun. Fortunately, Leah's snow pants still fit from last year - not quite sure how, but they do. But I did need to send Pat out to get her some new boots. Max is easy - just bundle him really good with blankets. We headed out for some sled riding in the backyard. Leah loved it. She had a great time running around, playing with the dog and falling in the snow. Max was okay. I think we took him out at a bad time. He was fussing before we went out, and as soon as the cold hit, he just cried more. But once I was able to start pulling him in the snow, he enjoyed it. We came inside to a nice lunch and hot cocoa.
Afterwards, we headed to uptown Oxford for a new tradition that was started last year. And yes to the grandparents, this is a spoiler. Last year we started a new tradition of Leah painting ornaments. She did much better this year - she did not need any help. Max will have to wait until next year to start his collection. We also had Leah make a square tile. We plan to have her, and Max, make one every year and then someday we will have them placed to make the top of a table - or something - lots of time to figure that out.So while I wasn't too thrilled initially with a snow day - I'm already concerned I will be working until the middle of June - it was a perfect day, and well worth it!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Birthday and Christmas Parties

Last weekend we were in Rocky River to celebrate Addison's first brithday! I can't believe that Addison is already one! She still seems so little! Leah was very excited about going to a party and singing Happy Birthday. Pictured are Leah, Max, Addison and Addison's cousin, Lane. Leah especially enjoyed the cupcakes. She enjoyed licking the icing off, and then refused to eat the cake part.We were also able to see my good friend, Leah.Max enjoyed playing with Uncle Bub's beard.Addison with mom and dad on the morning of her birthday.We were also able to go to a Christmas party on Sunday afternoon. It was for my dad's lodge group. We went to the annual event as kids, and I thought it would be nice for Leah and Max - and my dad. It was fun to get Leah and Max all dressed up, and attempt some nice pictures.There were two puppet shows and Santa. Leah enjoyed the puppet show, but as soon as Santa made his grand entrance, she ran the other way. Max was intrigued by the guy with the long, white beard. And I got some great shots of Leah and Pat.At the end of the party, Leah, Max and Addison enjoyed their gifts and a cupcake! And yes, Leah would only lick the icing. Leah even got to ride down the 'old fart chair' at the lodge with Hippa!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

Our family tradition has always been to get our Christmas tree the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and this year was no exception. It was a chilly and windy day, but the sun was shining bright and it was a perfect morning to cut down a tree. For the past several years, we have gone to John Nieman nursery to pick out a tree. You come down a hill and are greeted by hundreds of Christmas trees. In the past, we have always picked a Canaan Fir tree- they have the best smell, but the branches do not hold heavy ornaments well. The past few years we have switched to a Blue Spruce - a great tree, but it does not have a 'Christmas Smell' and the needles are prickly - but we have a ton of heavy ornaments, so we chose a Blue Spruce again this year. Leah loved running through the trees and Max slept through the whole thing, which was fine because he was buried under blankets due to the wind, and he would not have been able to see anything anyway. Leah enjoyed placing the star at the top of the tree and playing in the lights, while Max just hung out. I was also able to finish stitching Max's stocking and we hung it up to complete our holiday decorations!

Gobble Gobble

We spent our Thanksgiving in Conneaut with Pat's family. We decided that it would be best to do the five-hour drive early in the day rather than in the evening after work, and I think we made a good decision. We were able to make the trip with just one stop north of Columbus - long enough to feed Max, get Leah a snack, change some diapers and get a coffee refill. We were even able to get a nap out of both Leah and Max after we arrived! Rick treated Pat and I to an afternoon at the American Legion while Nana and Connie watched Leah and Max, and a delicious dinner was waiting for us when we got home. Then the unexpected happened. Leah got sick - twice. Leah has never thrown up, and of course her first time had to happen in her bed in the middle of the night. She was a real trooper though - we had her on a bland diet throughout turkey day, and she never argued about it. After watching the Macy's Parade, Dayna, Paul and Taylor arrived, and later Aunt Cork, Rick and Kim. We enjoyed catching up with everyone over turkey, stuffing, potatoes - and of course, pie! We even celebrated Nana's 91st birthday with cake! Pictures include Leah sitting at the bar with cousin Taylor and my little 18-pound turkey - Max sitting on his own!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat

What a fantastic weekend full of Halloween fun! We had such beautiful weather and we made the most of it by doing some final fall activities before we get cold next week. Saturday we went to Halloween Nights at Parky's Farm. We had told Leah about this on Friday - and all we heard for the next 24 hours was 'When are we going on a hayride?" I dressed Leah and Max appropriately for fall in their Osh-Kosh before we headed out for the day.
Before anyone was going on a hayride Saturday night two kiddos needed new winter coats (see pics below). After a quick trip home from our long day of shopping - yes, I did start my Christmas shopping! - we headed out to Parky's Farm. Parky's Farm is a part of the Hamilton County Parks and is a great place for toddler and preschool age children. There are many petting zoo type animals, playground and a small hiking trail. Each year Parky's Farm puts together a month filled with fall activities at night. We were lucky enough to arrive just before the sun set for the night. We parked right along the fence of about a dozen horses. Leah made friends with one in particular. She really liked to pet him, but she was a little afraid to feed him. Once we got through the main entrance, there were several activities to choose from. We decided to do the hayride first since there was not much of a line. The tractor pulled us through the lit-up woods. There were mainly large blow-up characters scattered throughout the woods, but Leah enjoyed it. Afterwards, we enjoyed a children's sing-a-long that Leah loved. She danced, laughed, sang and clapped. Next we headed over to the pony rides - another activity that Leah had mentioned several times. She is learning patience. There was a long line for the pony rides, but Daddy kept her happy up on his shoulders. It was finally Leah's turn, and she could not have been any happier. Once we were finished with the pony ride we walked throughout Parky's Farm to see all of the animals and found some great photo opportunities. We then decided to do a hayride one more time. The line was quite long at this point, so what better way to distract Leah - with a pumpkin cookie! We enjoyed sitting in the hay looking at the light displays. We know Leah enjoyed the night and can't wait for next year so that Max can be a bit more involved. After leaving Parky's Farm we headed over to Graeter's for ice cream. This was a first for Leah. We ordered her vanilla, but of course she saw our 'purple ice cream', and there was no sharing on her part. Now, in the picture, she looks like quite a 'wild' child. Her pig tails had fallen out and fortunately there was a headband in the car!After a busy Saturday we had a low-key Halloween Day. Both Leah and Max took excellent afternoon naps and were well rested for some pumpkin carving. It was another beautiful day, so we headed outside to carve our pumpkins. Max hung out in his exersaucer and Leah was very interested in what Daddy was doing. For costumes I had originally thought I would dress Leah and Max as Minnie and Mickey - but I saw a really cute scarecrow costume for Max - so I switched to Dorothy and the Scarecrow from Wizard of Oz. Leah was the perfect Dorothy and Max a perfect Scarecrow!I took Leah and Max to a few houses on our street while Pat gave out treats. Leah was a little timid at first. She is always very careful around strangers, and tonight was no exception. She wasn't too sure about going up to other people's homes, but after a few houses, she got the hang of it. She was really good about saying 'trick or treat' - we had been practicing all day - and she is always good about saying 'thank you.' After we had been to about a dozen homes, we headed back to our house. Leah had several suckers in her pumpkin bucket, so she was a happy camper - she wanted to go home to have a sucker! When we got back to the house, Pat and I switched duties so that he could enjoy some time with Leah and Max. The fresh air and stroll had Max sleeping pretty fast, while Leah was full of energy! Once they got back, Leah wanted to hand out candy, and she did a pretty good job. She was frightened by some of the scary costumes, and she would run into the garage. I think she enjoyed passing out the candy more than going door-to-door herself. What a perfect weekend!