Monday, July 28, 2014

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Collarbone Update

I took Max to Children's this morning for a follow up appointment with Orthopaedics for Max's broken collarbone.  After getting Max settled with some Lucky Charms and an apple juice, we were off to our home away from home...radiology.  Today marked the fifth time Max has been seen by radiology in this year alone!  We have been there for a 'hurt' foot, twice for bowels and twice now for his collarbone.

Here is a picture of Max's x-rays.  The left side is from today and the right side is from when the break initially happened at the end of June.

Looks pretty much the same, but the doctor said that the cloudiness on the left is indication that the break is healing.
The original X-ray from June

X-ray from today...note the cloudy bump surrounding the break
It first forms a 'bump' (which we can feel and see protruding from Max's neck/shoulder) and will heal from the outside and in.  So that is why to us normal people it looks like it is still broken.  The good news?  No need to go back as long as Max is not complaining of being hurt...and as long as Max stays out of trouble!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Snapshot Sunday

We had another pretty quiet week here...and the weather was awesome!  It definitely felt more like fall than mid-July!  However the steamy temps are heading back this week.

Max is working on his "pooping on the potty" goals...he is doing a great job!

We went to a new park (new for us anyway) in Oxford, followed by lunch at Mac n Joes...

We met up with our friends Jay, Jenny, Lily and Lanie at Kings Island...

Saw the new Planes movie...

And Mo got a much needed haircut!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

A New Look

I redesigned the blog after having some new family pictures taken.  Hope you enjoy it!  I also noticed that this blog is connected to an OLD email address.  Please unsubscribe and then resubscribe on the page.  This way if you reply I will get your message!

We had a great time with Jena last night from Jena Marie Photography, you can find her on Facebook.  She put up a few preview pictures on Facebook last night...I can't wait to see the rest!  Enjoy these for now!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Time Out!

Poor Noah had a rough start to his day...a time out for hitting Max.  

I then headed to the vet with Mo and when I came home later Noah was being put in time out again for hitting Max.

After lunch the three kids headed to the basement to play, but it didn't take long for Leah and Max to come running up the stairs.  This time Noah had hit Leah twice and bit Max.  Instead of a third time out, we decided it was time for Noah to take a nap.

Here's hoping to a quiet evening while Pat is enjoying some guy time on the golf course.  Remember the phrase Monday Meltdown?  Fingers crossed :-)

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Snapshot Sunday

We have had a mostly quiet week...quiet for us anyway.  We have had T-ball practice/game, swimming lessons, a night out to Kings Island and a morning at the zoo.  Sounds busy, but for us this was not busy!  Next week is Pat's last week of 'freedom' as band camp starts a week from tomorrow.  I am sure we will try to squeeze in as much summer as we can this week.

Some snapshots from the past few weeks...

Noah with friend Lanie

Tilly the turtle from the aquarium

Kings Island fun

Camping out

Zoo!   Nasha the new baby giraffe

Noah just LOVES the goats

Noah, what's in your nose?  Booboos!

Flowers in the front of our house

Monday, July 7, 2014

4th of July

The morning of the 4th of July, I took the kids to the Hamilton parade.  Pat's marching band was one of six bands in the parade.  The big hit were the 'race cars.'  I remember these as the Zoom Zoom cars from the Warren 4th of July parade growing up as a kid.  I remember them to be really loud, weaving in and out of a figure eight, almost cutting of our toes.  I don't know if times have changed or if seeing it as a kid vs. an adult has changed the experience, but I thought these zoom zooms were kind of pitiful.

After the parade, we packed up the kids and dog and headed 5 hours northeast to Conneaut to spend the weekend with Pat's parents.  We enjoyed roasting hotdogs and s'mores and a beautiful sunset.  A neighbor even volunteered to take a family picture.




The following day we went to the Conneaut Township park, which is where the beach is.  The kids were expecting a beach like we had in Florida, so they were surprised with the 'brown sand' and all the rocks.  Leah enjoyed collecting sea glass and Max collected drift wood.  Max especially liked to collect the pieces that were shaped like a gun.

After the beach we cleaned up and enjoyed the afternoon at the Buccia winery.  Pat and I enjoyed two bottles of wine (perhaps a bit tooooo much) before heading back to the house where Pat's sister, Dayna, and her family joined us for the remainder of the weekend.  And unfortunately, that is where the pictures stop.

We had a great time...thanks Connie and Rick for having us!