Thursday, February 28, 2013

Tubes for Noah

After having three ear infections since Christmas, it was finally decided that Noah would benefit from tubes.  We have not had any personal experience with this for Leah and Max - of course Noah would want to be the first at something!

We were set up with an ENT at Cincinnati Children's - Dr. G - who I really liked from the start (you know, for the whole 5 minutes of our appointment).  Everyone assured me it would be quick and easy and Noah would be himself the same day.  I really didn't believe it - but they were right!

Two hard parts of the day...

The first - the whole not eating anything after midnight, no formula after 5am and nothing at all after 7am.  Yeah right, try telling that to Noah, the boy who loves his bottle and loves to eat.  We decided to by-pass a morning formula bottle and woke Noah at 6:30 for some Pedialyte.  Noah was not a fan, but he did manage to finish most of it by 7am.  Then the hard part began.  Pat and I didn't even eat breakfast in fear Noah would see us!
Noah was desperate - he tried to drink from dolly's sippy cup!

Once we got to Children's everything was just so easy.  The staff was awesome!  Noah charmed the nurses with his Mr. Laid-Back personality.

Noah was allowed to keep his jammie pants on - shirt traded for this stylish number

Then hard part number two...

Because of Noah's age and weight, the anesthesia staff believed it would be best to put Noah under in the operating room, rather than in the induction room.  That meant mama couldn't hold baby boy while he fell asleep.  But, I think that this may have been a blessing in disguise.  I was able to love on him until I was ready to hand him over (and he never even looked back - stinker!)

After we gave our final hugs and kisses we were directed to a small conference room and told to not go anywhere - not to the bathroom, for a drink, phone call...nothing.  If we did, we would miss the surgeon.  And sure enough 5 minutes later Dr. G came in and said everything went as planned.  No complications and that Noah was already in recovery.  We were then taken to the recovery waiting room, where we were told it would be about 5 more minutes before we could see Noah.  I barely got this picture and we were called back to see Noah.
What an awesome balloon!

Noah was awake, a little crabby and already taking a bottle.  As soon as I held him he calmed right down.  After he finished his bottle, we were free to go.  Just like that.  Surgery was at 11:15 and we left Children's before noon!  Noah babbled the whole way home, took a good three hour nap and this afternoon was totally back to normal - eating and drinking and playing as if nothing had happened!
In recovery about to go home

Headed home - let's hope these suckers work!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pizza Party

While my in-laws were in town we had over family friend Annie and her son Travis.  Poor Wesley was home sick and daddy Jess stayed home with him.  But the rest of us had a great time making personal pizzas!

New friend Travis

Snapshot Sunday

Leah's picture using her new window markers

A somewhat nice day - out for a drive

Max says, "Woo hoo!"

Max eating Mama's Birthday chicken!

Leah too!
Noah three!
Happy Birthday Mommy!

Pat left poor Kaida pup out in the rain - at least he remembered and I was able to get home to let her in
Hanging out at the Museum Center



Cool blocks and toys!

Loves Legos!

At a classmate's birthday party - the girls

Date night after the bday party - Before

Wants to be a part of everything!