Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mommy, Daddy, Leah Day

Leah failed an eye exam in the winter at a regular check-up and was referred to see an eye doctor for further tests in April.  So Pat and I decided that we would both take the day off and turn the entire day into "Mommy, Daddy, Leah Day".  We were warned that her appointment would take about two hours, so we knew we would miss the entire work day, but thought Leah deserved a day to be with us all by herself.  Leah's special day started with donuts in the car during our drive to the appointment, followed by picking out a new pair of sunglasses for when her eyes would be dilated.  

We learned at her appointment that her eyes are fine for now since everything for her age is large print and she would be checked again in a year. Woo hoo!  We took Leah to lunch and then to her first movie in a theater ~ Hop!  She loved it!  She did get a little fidgety towards the end, but she really had a good time.
Every time we drive near the movie theater Leah always says "Mommy, Daddy, Leah Day!"  She had so much fun that she was out for the entire ride home!

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