Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Snow Much Fun!

The forecast was predicting some 'weather' for us Tuesday night into Wednesday - and it sounded pretty promising.  So Leah wore her pajamas inside out, did a snow dance and flushed ice cubes down the toilet.

Then the wait began.  Pat and I were constantly checking Facebook and Twitter for any announcement of a delay or closing.  First, a two-hour delay popped up, and about an hour later the official closing announcement!  Our first snow day in two years!  Thanks to Leah we were able to sleep in, enjoy some pancakes for breakfast and have a little snow day fun.

We missed our chance to make a snowman the day after Christmas.  In January I even bought Frosty's nose 'just in case' we would need one - I just threw it out a week or two ago.  So to Kroger I went to get a nose, and Pat, Leah and Max headed outdoors.
Not happy to be left inside

Kaida has always loved the snow - today was no exception!

Better mood once he could watch

Building the base

Rolling the middle

Fixing the head

Green apples for eyes

Carrot for the nose

Carrot broke, so Frosty has a stubby nose

Still watching

After the kids warmed up and took a nap, it was time for arts-and-crafts.  This past weekend Leah had picked out some boxes to paint and I saved them for a rainy day - but a snowy one is just as good!

While I love the white stuff, I am also happy to see it go.  It should make a quick exit - the temp is to be in the 50s this weekend!

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