Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Waiting Game

I hate the final weeks of pregnancy - not just because I start to get uncomfortable and am anxious to meet the little person who has kept me company for the past nine months - but because I get tired of the same questions I have been answering for people for weeks.  The "when are you due" - April 18; "you still haven't had that baby yet?" - nope, not yet; "is it a boy or a girl" - boy; followed of course by "what is his name" - we don't know yet - and we really do not know!; And then there are the comments "you look like you are about to pop" - thanks, I didn't already know that on my own.  And now that we are in the final week or two (let's hope not three) it seems like I can't make a phone call or have the phone ring without the question "Any baby yet?" or "Do you feel anything different like the baby is coming?"  Yes, now I know that everyone has these questions (and comments) are trying to be sincere, but.... at this point, no news is no news!
34 weeks
39 weeks
And just when you think a belly can in no way get any bigger - it does!  But seriously, I think at this point I can say that my belly is stretched to the max and it is time for #3 to make a grand entrance!  At my 39-week appointment this morning my doctor assured me that I am progressing and ready to deliver at any time, however, I was still to make an appointment for next week -"just in case".  Let's just hope I get to cancel that appointment!

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