Friday, June 29, 2012

Poopin' Paint


We have really struggled for the past year with the whole 'pooping on the potty' with Leah.  She potty trained peeing without a problem just over a year ago, and she has been dry in the morning for several months now.  But the poopin thing has been a battle.  Last summer I spoke with her pediatrician about it and he assured me that this was a behavioral issue and when she is ready she will do it.  She knew she needed to go, but would refused to use the potty.  So for the past year at bedtime she has been wearing a pull-up, simply so she could poop.

With her 4th birthday around the corner Pat and I decided enough was enough!  With Noah being born we were not going to be wiping THREE butts!  So we told Leah that when she turned 4, the pull-ups were going away - and it worked!  Not exactly as planned, but it worked!

The problem was that we were in Cleveland visiting with family, so we were a bit out of routine and we didn't want to do this 'change' while not at home.  However, on the night of her birthday she did not want a pull-up - just her panties.  I thought we were on to something-  but the next day she said she needed to 'go' and asked for a pull-up, did her business and put the panties back on.  However while at Grandma Naylor's house she was playing with real craft paint, something she did not have.   And this gave me an idea.

Once we got home to Cincinnati, Pat and I told Leah if she pooped on the potty five times she would get her very own craft paint.  So, since this post is called "Poopin' Paint" you can tell she earned her reward!  I took Leah to the craft store and she picked out her paint and brushes, and Pat let her pick out her own painting shirt (apparently he is perfectly fine with her ruining an OU shirt, I would be too :) )  And she has been painting - and pooping - ever since!

Leah painted 'poop'

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