Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Valentines

I had a fun time planning some little Valentine treats for Leah, Max and Noah.  Each night while they were sleeping, I taped a heart to their door.  Leah had fun counting her hearts each morning.  The boys, eh.  Maybe next year :)

Leah is having a Valentine Party at school today.  I signed up for cupcakes.  I could have cheated and bought them at Kroger, but that takes the fun away.  I had hoped Leah and I would make them together, but she was more interested in something else (I think she was dancing?)  So Pat helped me out at the end with the 'assembly' part.  I knew the kids would be getting tons of stuff at their party, so I thought I would make the cupcakes easily transportable if the kids wanted to take them home (ok - I'm a math geek, so I'm not even sure if that is a proper phrase - oh well)

Yet another idea I saw on Pinterest

Leah did help out with one part (and daddy did, too)

And since I was making cupcakes, I thought I would make some extras for Max to take to Suzy's house for all the little ones.  Max made Suzy the cutest little Valentine - and I forgot to take a picture - darn!  But she loved it!

And since I had the mixer out and all the baking ingredients, why not make a cake?

Leah, Max and Noah woke up to some Valentine goodies.

Pat treats his girls well with some flowers :)
My bunch

Noah and I had a date day - to the ENT - where we learned that Noah will be getting tubes in his ears in about two weeks.  But I think the 'pink stuff' is starting to kick in this afternoon and Noah seems to be a happy little guy again.
Waiting room at Children's

Yay for the pink stuff!
Hope you had a great Valentine's Day!

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