Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Birthday Boy

On May 9 Max celebrated his first birthday!  It was such a fast year and I couldn't believe we were planning his birthday party!  A week before Max's birthday we had a quiet party at home with our family and a few close friends.  Max broke out in hives eating his cake (we later learned that Max has a severe egg allergy and moderate peanut allergy, which will be discussed in a later post), but otherwise had a good time.  With Naylor family tradition, Max dove into his cake while sitting in the baby tenda.  After Max's party we also celebrated "Hippa's" birthday (we won't share his age).

On Max's actually birthday, I took the day off from work and had a Mommy and Max day at the zoo.  We saw all the animals and rode the train.  The night before we took him to Red Robin for a birthday dinner and he was surprised with a delicious birthday sundae.  On his actual birthday Pat had a busy night with concerts so we met for a quick dinner and went to the park and had cupcakes.  Max's favorite toy happened to be a broom!  He loves to follow us around when we vacuum, so we thought that a broom would be the perfect gift!

 Max's first year has brought me great joy ~ even with all of the curve balls he has thrown at me.  He has grown so much and surprised me each day with a new smile, cuddle or babble.  I can't even imagine what year two will bring!


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