As I could have predicted - Thanksgiving is always the start of some sort of illness with us. I was the first victim - an intestinal bug that wiped me out for two days. Leah was next with a UTI. We had about a week off before we were hit again - Noah with pink-eye, some high-fever virus and an awful runny nose, Max with an awful cough and me again with the achy-flu and some kind of stuffy/runny nose cold. Fortunately this hit us over the weekend - We had to keep the boys home Friday, Monday and Tuesday. By Wednesday Pat and I felt like we couldn't miss any more work - so we all went to our respective places. Thank goodness for Pat and his staying healthy through it all - he certainly took on the role of 'single parent' and took care of Leah, Max and Noah so I could sleep all weekend. And now pink-eye has hit us again - Noah had a goopy eye last night and again this morning. Called the pediatrician on-call and he told us to wait it out until Tuesday and to continue to use the eye drops. We hope we can now stay healthy through Christmas!
And in the middle of all this was the tough decision to remove Leah from her preschool. This happened during my stomach bug and her UTI. We have had concerns most of the fall with how things were going at her school - all related to the after-school care program. We finally agreed that Leah's safety was in jeopardy and made the decision to remove her at no notice (with illness hitting us hard, the timing was awful, but the move was necessary). We were fortunate to know of the location of her teacher from last year who is currently an administrator at a different school. I made a call to him and he was thrilled to have Leah be a part of his program. This is a true preschool and their after care program is completely separate from the preschoolers, so we will not need to worry about the 'big kids' and the number of staff members is more than state minimums. We were able to start her the following week. We knew she would continue to receive an excellent education at her new school. Our main concern was her fitting in and making new friends, but we were lucky - two of her friends from dance class are in her class and her best buddy Austin has since transferred to her new school! She has already been to a birthday party for one of her classmates and has had her first official play date - with her best friend Austin!
So.....that is where we have been - busy just trying to keep ourselves above water. I have gotten so behind with work and things here at home this blog has had to take a back seat. But for now, enjoy this video I took of Leah and Max playing school today. I love the imaginary play and I love how Max just follows along. Note the gate lined up across the entertainment unit - we have a crawler who is getting into everything - and is especially good at getting cords and opening drawers! More on that later (with video to come!)
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