Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Max and his Pancakes

Max loves pancakes.  However, we have learned that he is very particular in how many he wants on his plate.  Every time I add hot-from-the-griddle pancakes to the serving plate, he would point to the pancakes then his own plate demanding more.  Even though he still had more than half a pancake on his plate.  So eventually we would give in and give him a new pancake - Max has the worst whine ever!  So then I thought I could 'conserve' some pancakes my making small, silver-dollar pancakes.  My thought was at least he would eat an entire one before the next batch was ready - nope!  He loved the tiny pancakes, however he wanted four on his plate at a time - one for each section!  At least by the end of breakfast it is safe to say that he has at least filled his belly - regardless of how many pancakes it takes!

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