Turning four months meant a trip to the doctor. Max weighed in at 15 pounds and 7 ounces - right at the 50% mark. He is measuring in at 24.5 inches, also at 50%. The doctor says that Max is doing great - so alert and responds well and very attentive. His only concern, which was our concern, is Max's flat head. The poor boy has a pretty bad flat area on the back/left side of his head. It was suggested that Max be fitted for a helmet to help his head reshape. Our appointment to get this going is not until November, but I will call every week to see if any cancellations have been made so we can get in sooner.
So what has Max been up to? He loves to lay and watch his mobile, play on the play mat and sit in the Bumbo. He has even started to roll over. We missed his first roll - we were eating dinner and Pat just happened to look towards Max in the pack-n-play, and sure enough he was on his belly! But we have seen him roll now several times, and each time Max gets mad and wants to be turned back over to his back. Cousin Addie taught Max how to blow raspberries - well, at first we thought he was blowing raspberries. But after a few days we have decided that Max is just a typical boy and is not blowing raspberries but is making farting noises instead - what a boy! We have started to use the exersaucer and have now started to eat some cereal. Max loves the exersaucer, but is not much of a fan of rice cereal. I think we will try some sweet potatoes in the next week or two. But in the mean time, rice cereal it will be! Max has also moved out of the infant tub and into the big tub - giving a bath has been so much easier - and Mommy and Daddy have been able to stay much more dry!
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