Last weekend we were in Rocky River to celebrate Addison's first brithday! I can't believe that Addison is already one! She still seems so little! Leah was very excited about going to a party and singing Happy Birthday. Pictured are Leah, Max, Addison and Addison's cousin, Lane.
Leah especially enjoyed the cupcakes. She enjoyed licking the icing off, and then refused to eat the cake part.
We were also able to see my good friend, Leah.
Max enjoyed playing with Uncle Bub's beard.
Addison with mom and dad on the morning of her birthday.
We were also able to go to a Christmas party on Sunday afternoon. It was for my dad's lodge group. We went to the annual event as kids, and I thought it would be nice for Leah and Max - and my dad. It was fun to get Leah and Max all dressed up, and attempt some nice pictures.
There were two puppet shows and Santa. Leah enjoyed the puppet show, but as soon as Santa made his grand entrance, she ran the other way. Max was intrigued by the guy with the long, white beard. And I got some great shots of Leah and Pat.
At the end of the party, Leah, Max and Addison enjoyed their gifts and a cupcake! And yes, Leah would only lick the icing. Leah even got to ride down the 'old fart chair' at the lodge with Hippa!